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Invitation Card Size: The Perfect Dimensions for Your Event

invitation card size

When it comes to event planning, one of the most crucial decisions you’ll make is choosing the right invitation size. The size of your invitation card can set the tone for your event, and it’s essential to get it just right. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore various invitation sizes, from standard wedding invitation dimensions to sizes for social media platforms, email invitations, and business events. We’ll also provide some pro tips to help you make the best choice for your occasion.

Invitation Card Sizes

Invitation card sizes can vary significantly, depending on the type of event and your personal preferences. Before diving into specific dimensions, let’s take a moment to understand the basics of invitation sizes.

An invitation card’s size is typically described by its width and height in inches or millimeters. Generally, 5″ x 7″ size invitation cards are used in the USA and 12.5 cm x 17.5 cm size invitation cards are used in European Countries. While the 5 x 7-inch size is considered standard sized for the invitation. The choice of size should align with the formality and style of your event. Smaller sizes tend to convey a more intimate and casual atmosphere, while larger ones often signal a formal and grand affair.

Here is a table summarizing the common invitation card sizes and their recommended uses:

Size (in inches)

Recommended Use

7″ x 5″, 5″ x 7″ Commonly used these cards as Landscape or Portrait for weddings, birthdays, and parties.
6″ x 4″, 4″ x 6″ Commonly used these cards for Landscape or Portrait weddings, parties, and formal gatherings.
3.5″ x 5″ Commonly used for small, Reception, and informal events.

invitation card size

These types of invitation cards are mainly used for printing in landscape or portrait form.

Standard Wedding Invitation Card Size

When it comes to wedding invitations, the standard wedding invitation size is typically 5 x 7 inches. This size strikes a perfect balance between elegance and readability. It offers enough space for all the essential details, such as the event date, time, location, and RSVP information, while still being convenient for mailing.

Here’s a table highlighting the standard wedding invitation card size and some of its advantages:

Wedding Invitation Sizes Size In Inches
Standard 5″ x 7″
Square 6″ x 6″, 5.25″ x 5.25″
Long 4″ x 9.5″
Extra Large 6.5″ x 8.75″
RSVP 3.5″ x 5″
Medium 6.25″ x 4.5″
Small 4.25″ x 6″

Standard Sizes for Invitation Cards

While the 5 x 7-inch size is considered standard for wedding invitations, standard sizes for invitation cards can vary depending on the type of event. If you’re hosting a corporate event, a product launch, or a fundraiser, you may opt for a different standard size to suit your branding and formality.

Here’s a table with some common standard sizes for different types of invitation cards:

Type of Event

Standard Size (in inches)


5″ x 7″


4.25″ x 5.5″


6″ x 9″


3.5″ x 5″

invitation card size

Rectangular Invitation Card Sizes

For a more traditional look, rectangular invitation card sizes are a popular choice. The 4.25 x 5.5-inch size, often referred to as A2, is a classic option that fits well in standard envelopes.

Here’s a table summarizing the standard rectangular invitation card size and its advantages:

Paper Size

Best For

Invitation Card Size



8.3″ x 11.7″

Greeting Cards

5.8″ x 8.3″

Birthday Parties

4.5″ x 6.25″
    A7 Wedding 5.13″ x 7″
    A8 Holiday Cards 5.38x 7.88

invitation card size

Invitation Sizes for Social Media Platforms

In the digital age, it’s becoming increasingly common to create digital invitations for events hosted on social media platforms. These invitation sizes for social media platforms vary depending on the platform you choose. These types of invitations are generally shown on phones. Here are some popular choices of Facebook and Instagram invitation size:



Facebook Portrait: 630 x 1200 px

Instagram Portrait: 1080 x 1350 px 

Facebook Square: 1200 x 1200 px

Instagram Square: 1080 x 1080 px 

Facebook Stories:1080 x 1920 px

Instagram Stories: 1080 x 1920 px

Using the right size for your digital invitation ensures that it looks great and is easy to share on your chosen social media platform.


invitation card size

Using the right size for your digital invitation ensures that it looks great and is easy to share on your chosen social media platform.

Email Invitation Size

If you prefer to send email invitations, it’s crucial to consider the size and format to ensure compatibility with email clients. The recommended size for email invitations is generally 450 pixels wide and up to 600 pixels in height. This size allows your invitation to display correctly on various devices and email clients.

Here’s a table highlighting the standard email invitation size and its advantages:

Size (in pixels)


450 x 600 px

Ensures compatibility with email clients, Mobile-friendly design and Easy to view on various devices.

invitation card size

Invitation Card Sizes for Business

Business events often demand a professional and polished look. When it comes to invitation card sizes for business, it’s wise to opt for a size that reflects your corporate identity. A common choice for corporate invitations is 4.5 x 6.25 inches, which fits well in A6 envelopes. There is also one size for a business invitation card and it is 5 x 7 inches.

Here’s a table of paper size and invitation card sizes for business:

Paper Size

Invitation Card Sizes


4.5″ x 6.25


5″ x 7

Details Card Size:

A details card is a small, versatile information carrier available in various sizes, with dimensions commonly measured in inches or millimeters. It is designed to convey essential information in a concise and visually appealing manner. Here, we provide a table showcasing the four common dimensions of detail cards and their primary use cases.


Primary Use

3.5 x 5 Event Invitations, RSVP Cards, and Save-the-Dates
4.25 x 5.5 Business Cards, Networking Information, and Maps
105 x 148 mm Postcards, Announcements, and Promotional Material
4 x 5 Information Inserts, Gift Tags, and Small Notices

Whether you need to convey event details, present business information, send postcards, or share small, concise messages, the details card is a versatile choice. Its compact size is perfect for conveying essential information while maintaining a polished and professional appearance.

RSVP Card Sizes

RSVP cards, or response cards, are an integral part of event invitations. They allow hosts to gauge the attendance of their guests, making event planning smoother and more efficient. RSVP cards come in various sizes, each serving a unique purpose and style. Here’s a breakdown of common RSVP card sizes and their characteristics:

RSVP Card Size


5 x 3.5″  Commonly used for formal events like weddings, where a smaller, elegant card is preferred
A6 (148 x 105 mm) Standard European size and widely used for a variety of events, both formal and informal
5.5 x 4.25 Ideal for weddings or special occasions where you need to collect additional details from guests
4 x 3 Best suited for casual or informal events like birthday parties, BBQs, or small gatherings

invitation card size

Selecting the right RSVP card size depends on the formality of your event, the amount of information you wish to collect, and your design preferences. Remember, while size matters, it’s the content and presentation that truly make your RSVP cards effective.

Additional Card Size (Program Cards)

Additional card sizes, often referred to as program cards – front and back, are specialized paper sizes used for various purposes in different industries. These cards are designed to serve specific functions and are available in two primary dimensions: 3.75 inches by 9 inches (95.25mm x 228.6mm) and 90mm by 210mm. These unique sizes cater to a range of applications, from event programs to promotional materials.

Below is a table highlighting the common uses of these additional card sizes:



3.75 x 9

Ideal for creating elegant and informative event programs, containing schedules, and more.

90 x 210 mm

Suitable for similar event programs in European countries and other regions.

These additional card sizes provide opportunities for creative and impactful communication, helping businesses and organizations leave a lasting impression on their audience. Whether it’s a special event, marketing campaign, or informational handout, these non-standard card sizes can set you apart from the crowd and enhance the overall visual appeal of your materials.

Invitation Size Standard and Average Invitation Card Size

To wrap up our exploration of invitation sizes, let’s discuss the invitation size standard and the average invitation size. While standard sizes, like 5 x 7 inches, are commonly used for formal events, the average size can vary depending on regional and cultural preferences.

The key to choosing the right size is to consider the factors discussed earlier, such as event formality and personal style. While it’s essential to be aware of standard sizes, don’t be afraid to deviate if a different size better suits your needs and creative vision.

Pro Tips for Invitation Cards

Now that you have a better understanding of various invitation card sizes, let’s explore some pro tips for invitation cards to ensure your event invitations are perfect:

  • Consider the Formality: Choose an invitation card size that matches the formality of your event. Formal events often call for standard sizes like 5 x 7 inches, while casual gatherings can use smaller sizes.
  • Quality Matters: Invest in high-quality materials and printing to make your invitations look and feel special.
  • Test Before Printing: Always test your design and layout before printing a large batch to avoid costly mistakes.
  • Choose the Right Envelope: Ensure your chosen invitation card size fits well in a standard envelope to simplify mailing.
  • Personalize Your Design: Customize your invitations to reflect your event’s theme, colors, and style.
  • Proofread Carefully: Double-check all event details for accuracy to avoid any embarrassing mistakes.


The invitation card size is a significant factor in setting the tone for your event. Whether it’s a standard wedding invitation size, a square invitation card for a modern look, or a digital invitation for a social media event, choosing the right size is essential. Consider the formality of your event, the platform you’re using, and your personal style to create the perfect invitation that will leave a lasting impression on your guests.

Remember to follow the pro tips, choose the right envelope, and personalize your design to ensure your invitations are not only the right size but also a true reflection of your event’s essence.


What is the standard size for wedding invitations?

The standard wedding invitation card size is typically 5 x 7 inches, which strikes a balance between elegance and readability.

Can I use square invitation cards for formal events?

While square invitation cards are trendy, they are often better suited for modern or less formal events. For formal occasions, it's advisable to stick with rectangular or standard sizes.

What size should I choose for digital invitations on social media?

The recommended size for digital invitations on social media platforms varies. For Facebook, 1200 x 628 pixels is ideal, while Instagram favors 1080 x 1080 pixels.

How can I ensure my email invitations display correctly on various devices?

To ensure your email invitations look great on different devices, use a size of 600 x 800 pixels and optimize the design for mobile compatibility.

What's the significance of choosing the right envelope for my invitation card?

Choosing the right envelope ensures that your invitation looks polished, fits well, and simplifies the mailing process. Matching your invitation card size with the correct envelope size is essential for a professional presentation.

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